March Newsletter
I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I want to share some insights into the individuals who enter The Rock at Noonday and underscore the significance of understanding the diverse demographics we serve.
At the Rock, our doors are open wide, welcoming all who seek essential services and the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Our community encompasses a rich array of backgrounds and life experiences. Each person brings a unique story and journey from Cuba to Africa, the Middle East, and all corners of America.
Allow me to share a story that deeply resonated with me recently. Amidst our diverse community, there was an individual who, at first glance, appeared to belong here yet was from Lebanon. Having previously worked with refugees from the Middle East, I consider it a blessing to have encountered him. Listening to his story and struggles, I couldn't help but be grateful for the opportunity to connect with him.
As our conversation unfolded, we delved into matters of faith and purpose. As a Muslim, he inquired about the driving force behind the work I do. With sincerity, I shared that my calling stems from Christ's commandment to love and serve the hurting in our community. His response was one of gratitude, acknowledging the genuine care exhibited by Christians like us. Despite differing beliefs, he recognized the universal language of compassion and service.
Reflecting on this encounter, I invite you to consider the profound impact of serving others. Each interaction presents a chance to listen, understand, and extend care to individuals yearning to share their stories. It's a reminder that our actions, no matter how small, ripple outward, bringing hope to those who may feel forgotten or marginalized.
To all who generously give their time, prayers, and resources month after month, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your support enables us to facilitate conversations that ignite hope in the hearts of many. You are the catalysts for change, the beacons of light in a world sometimes overshadowed by darkness.
In closing, let us continue to embrace the hurting, to listen intently, and to extend compassion without reservation. Together, we can be instruments of transformation, spreading love and hope to all who cross our paths.
Ricardo Devine
Executive Director
The Rock at Noonday